10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Roofing Company's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook


Roofing is a business that has some pretty stiff competition and it’s only proven to get worse with the addition of things like Internet marketing and on-demand access to the products and brands that consumers need. Sure, it’s great that your audience can access you 24/7, but that also means they could run into your competition and be stolen away. 

The goal, of course, is to come up with the most effective marketing strategy to stay ahead of the game. Today, that strategy must include video if you’re going to get anywhere. Studies say that by 2022, 82% of traffic on the Internet will come from video, either through streaming, downloads, or live video feeds. 

That’s a lot of traffic that you’re missing out on if you don’t have video marketing in place for your roofing company. Fortunately, there are a lot of contractors, roofers, and service brands out there who have already harnessed the power of video and social media. They can help you find inspiration and guidance for creating your own success. 

People are watching 6-16 hours of video a week. That’s a lot, to say the least, but that’s a lot of potential for your roofing business marketing, too. When you do it right, you can give people the content that they want and create a social network full of sharing and engagement, which is the ultimate goal here. 

Before we get into the list of the people who can help you get there and provide inspiration, let’s look at some ways that you can actually put video to use in your marketing efforts. 

Roofing video tips and insights

As you’ll see in the list below, there are plenty of strategies that you can employ in order to build success with video and social media for your roofing company. However, each brand will need to assess its own needs and determine the best course of action. In addition to all the assistance you’ll find below, here are a few of our own pointers and best practices to keep in mind. 

Make sure the videos offer value. They don’t have to be dry, educational pieces but they should give people something to consume. Videos for the sake of videos are never effective. And if you’re just posting standard marketing content, you’re missing the mark entirely. 

You need a video strategy, not just a few videos. Consider all of the ways you can incorporate video on YouTube, Facebook, and other social platforms to engage audiences of all kinds and get the attention that you’re seeking. It’s about creating dynamic content that’s sharing all the time. The more platforms, the better. 

You’ll also want to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Create a schedule for posting to keep things on track.
  • Include demos, tutorials, how-to videos, and more.
  • Tell a story and give your audience something to remember.
  • Be personable and show your style.
  • Incorporate testimonials and user content where you can.
  • Don’t forget SEO and CTAs (calls-to-action)!

Think about the message(s) that you want to send in your video content. Make sure that you use several types of videos and styles of filming (including selfie-style or more informal videos). Your audience is diverse and will have a diverse range of expectations here, so give them as much as you possibly can. 

Video marketing is not going anywhere. In fact, it’s only going to become more important to your business. The sooner you get on board, the better. By giving yourself the time to set up a solid strategy and following in the steps of those who have come before you, it will be easier even if you’re on a limited budget and don’t think that you have what it takes for video marketing. 

Remember that it’s all about engagement and delivering content that people like. Think like a consumer. Ask your audience if you want. And most importantly, learn from the people in the list below who have already gone out and made quite a mark in the roofing industry and marketing world with their efforts. 

And now without further ado, here are the channels, brands, and marketers that can assist with your own video marketing strategies. 

10 video marketers and roofing brands you can learn from

1. Roofing Insights

Roofing Insights has an impressive following on YouTube and other social media platforms. They provide you with a ton of useful content about running a roofing business, but then they also have a lot of fun videos and interesting videos about people who have done really well in the industry or those who have failed terribly, both of which are educational. Roofing Insights offers a lot of value in their video marketing strategies, and 50K subscribers is nothing to sneeze at for a roofing company. Check out videos like Shingle of the Year Nominations, interviews with professionals, and more. 

2. Digital Roofing Innovations

Digital Roofing Innovations takes a unique approach to video marketing. They have tons of great videos and they even pander to humor and keep things light, like filming their Best Roofing Shingles of 2021 in front of a pool with an attractive woman swimming in the background. They are all about getting your attention, which helps them attract the best audience and give people more out of their videos. They have plenty of subscribers on YouTube and the rest of their social marketing efforts are solid, too. They offer a more laid-back feel but are still serious about their business. 

3. Your Average Roofer

Your Average Roofer is an experienced roofing professional with years in the industry. On this channel, which has tons of videos and plenty of subscribers, you’ll find tutorials, how-to videos, and other valuable insight from a guy who is “just another guy”. He takes his career seriously, though, and his YouTube videos, too. He even posts motivational videos, insight on how to succeed in the industry, and more. You’ll find POV videos, selfie-style videos, and other content to help you along the way. All in all, the content is sure to give you an example of how to diversify your own video marketing to connect with people on a personal level. 

4. Veteran Construction

With videos like “World’s Fastest Shingler”, you’ll guarantee that you find plenty of entertainment on Veteran Construction’s YouTube channel. The good news is that thanks to their diverse strategy, you’ll also find plenty of educational and informative videos, as well as showcases of their own talents and others in the industry that do it well. They also offer tips and insights for tricky jobs, help for pros and consumers alike, and all kinds of unique content. There are short videos, long videos, and everything in between. For a glimpse of a truly dynamic video marketing strategy, check this company out. 

5. West Cost Roofer

This is a great channel for small companies that want to see how others are doing it. This channel doesn’t have as many followers as some, but it does offer a lot of valuable insight and resources for those who want them. They have an intro video that explains their company and what they’re about, and then they have tons of explainer videos that showcase things like the worst roofing jobs ever, good versus bad roofers, and even “tips roofers don’t want you to know”, giving consumers industry insight that can save them thousands and keep them informed as a homeowner. Their “insider” approach gives people that exclusive feel that they enjoy so much. 

6. ImproveNet

This channel is dedicated to general home improvement, but it offers a lot of valuable insights and tips on roofing and related topics, too. ImproveNet works as more of a general channel, but their ability to provide expertise on so many different areas is what sets them apart. Plus, they provide a host of educational resources and training tips, information for roofing pros and consumers alike, and more. They also keep videos varied in length to give every type of audience the content that they want, and more. They also have other social networks and video solutions in place to help increase their visibility through video marketing. 

7. Contractor Dynamics

While not dedicated to roofing, Contractor Dynamics is one of the leading construction and contracting channels on YouTube, and they offer a lot of valuable insight that you can learn from when you’re setting up your own video marketing campaign. They have tons of followers and have been posting videos on YouTube for years, including videos for consumers as well as content for other roofing professionals and contractors who are trying to grow their business through Facebook and video, digital marketing, and other efforts. They post new content regularly and are great at cross-posting, which helps build their success. 

8. Roofing Marketing Pros

The Roofing Marketing Pros is another great channel that will teach you all about building a successful roofing business. Their channel doesn’t have a ton of subscribers so it might be misleading at first, but their videos are on point. They talk about how to become a seven-figure contractor and get new leads faster, helping other roofers create a business model that works without having to go through all the effort themselves. The videos also talk about the pros and cons of roofing, mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, and so much more. The presentation-style videos are helpful and informative, and there is a little bit of something for everyone. 

9. Brian Dean

Brian is an expert at backlinks and getting leads and is a leading marketing pro over at Backlinko. He has been ranked one of the best digital marketing experts for 2021 and has a lot to offer. He has also been featured in the Huffington Post and other publications and has traffic generation down to a near-science with the tips and tools that he uses. He’s “invented” some of the best strategies for marketing and focuses on offering actionable advice that can help brands go further and get more out of their own marketing efforts. Although he’s not a roofing expert, he’s a genius when it comes to digital marketing and he’s got a soft spot for the small business, making him a great choice for your marketing efforts. 

10. Gary Vaynerchuk

This sales guru is always worth a follow for any business that’s trying to build success. In the sales world, Gary has proven to be quite successful, calling himself a lifelong businessman. Today he owns and runs VarnerMedia, and he’s been quick to embrace new technologies and marketing efforts like video, as you’ll see on his social platforms, including YouTube. We like Gary because he’s got a no-nonsense approach to sales and business, and he truly embraces the pros of video marketing. For example, he’s got some of the most popular selfie-style videos, proving that you don’t need a major production every time. 

Top off your new video strategy with less tedious work, thanks to Smith.ai 

When you’re building a business, the last thing you need is more details to handle. Even though things like calls and chats from your clients and prospects are so important to your business, they’re usually something that exhaust a lot of companies because they’re not secretaries—they’re trying to run a business. 

Of course, you need every customer, call, and chat that comes in, so how can you find the balance for it all?  When you partner with the virtual receptionists at Smith.ai, you can easily trust that your communications are handled so that you can focus on video marketing and anything else that requires your attention. We can even help you create a great strategy to manage all of it, whether you have us doing a few things or the whole admin to-do list. 

To learn more, schedule a consultation to discuss the 24/7 virtual receptionists and how they can assist with live chats, after-hours answering, scheduling and intake, and so much more. You will also find us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484.

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Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with Smith.ai. He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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