10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Wealth Advising Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook


In the business of wealth and finance, social media might not be at the forefront of your mind when planning your marketing strategy. However, no matter what industry you’re in, the statistics say that you need to get on board with video marketing and social media in as many ways as you can. 

Especially when it comes to video, consider that as much as 82% of all Internet traffic will come from either streamed or downloaded videos by the end of 2021. Not only that, but already there are more than 1 billion hours of YouTube videos streamed every single day. It’s only going to be a matter of time before you’ll become obsolete if you don’t get on board. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. There are people out there who can help you get a grip on a solid video marketing strategy or even just teach you a few things through their own marketing efforts. Whether you’re learning by example or getting firsthand coaching and tips, you’ll benefit from their input and save yourself a lot of hurdles along the way. 

Of course, there’s still the concern of why and how to use video marketing on platforms like Facebook or TikTok when you’re in such a professional industry like wealth planning. Well, put simply, no matter how “professional” your company, you still serve people. Those people want to feel connected. That means it’s time for you to take off the “business” mask and get real with your audience. 

There are several different ways that you can put video marketing to use for your brand, too. It's not just about marketing spots and promotions. For example, especially in a complex industry like wealth advising and management, you could offer educational video series, how-to videos, insider tips on building wealth, and so forth. You could even spotlight your company and employees, get testimonials from current clients, and more.

The ways that you can use video are only limited by your imagination. And as you’ll find out from those in the list below, that imagination probably goes even further than you think. Sure, in wealth management, it’s a lot of explainers and how-to's for the most part, but there are a lot of ways that you can get creative with those videos to spice up boring topics and get people engaged. 

For example, instead of just putting up a video of you lecturing on a wealth management strategy or stock market how-to's, consider creating a presentation or an interactive video that gets people engaged. Although people like video because it is easy to consume, they also enjoy having the option to engage and be more active in the content that they are viewing at times. 

Don't make it essential but offer it as an option and see how it works for your audience. Of course, before we get to that and the rest of the strategies for video marketing, it’s going to be important to understand just what you can gain from adding this to your repertoire. 

Why wealth management needs video marketing

The world of video marketing is exploding at an impressive rate. It's estimated that over 82% of all Internet traffic will be from videos by 2022, and that’s probably conservative. After all, more than 1 billion hours of YouTube videos are streamed every single day around the world, and they’re on topics ranging from kid’s videos to wealth management, professional videos, and so much more. If there’s an industry, there’s probably a YouTube channel for it. 

That's why you need to get on board. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get ahead of the competition. Consider that already, people watch almost seven hours of video each week, and spend countless hours scrolling through social media. These are hours that could be spent watching your videos or following your firm’s social posts and profiles. 

You need video marketing for the same reason that you needed a website: because it’s what people want. It's what people expect. More importantly, it’s what the big names are doing and it’s time for you to get on board. You’re not alone in this, though, so don’t worry. In addition to all the tips here, the people on the list below can help you learn more about marketing with video in wealth management and financial planning, no matter what you have in mind. 

10 video marketers to help your video strategy

1. Tyler Lessard

We love Tyler for financial and wealth management because he’s a numbers guy, too. He loves using data to figure out how video is doing and what marketing efforts need to be tweaked, as well as which types of content are getting the most engagement. You can check out his own videos and social following to see how he does things, or even watch some of his videos and take in the tips and tricks that he offers. Tyler focuses on getting out of your comfort zone to give your audience the content they desire, which is how he’s helping several brands out there succeed in their efforts. 

2. The Advisor Coach

The Advisor Coach is a great wealth management and financial advising resource. In addition to being a coach, he’s also got an impressive video marketing campaign and social following that showcase the importance of video marketing in the financial and wealth management industries. Here, you can learn all about how to market your brand better and even watch their own educational videos to see how you can create your own. There is a lot to gain from following this channel and taking a few notes from their efforts. 

3. Phil Nottingham

Phil Nottingham is a UK-based marketing expert that is all about brand visibility and using unique strategies to get noticed. As an entrepreneur and product strategist, he understands the value of video and how to get results by showcasing products, client services, and other things. In addition to his own videos and social following, Phil also has plenty of published video interviews and third-party videos available so that you can get a sense of his style. He will be able to help you with all kinds of video marketing needs, from strategy to implementation and beyond. 

4. George B. Thomas

George B. Thomas is a marketing genius that offers plenty of unique insights. While his go-to is Twitter, his video collection and Facebook following are also quite impressive. He loves video marketing and offers tons of strategy tips and insights to help others grow their own following. He has worked in business for several years and can provide a lot of helpful advice in all areas of marketing, but video is one area where he’s really starting to focus because of how valuable and versatile it can be. 

5. Mark Robertson

Mark Robertson runs the marketing department at vidIQ and has spent years in business and being an entrepreneur in various ways. He has plenty of marketing advice for working with video, including tips and insights along with how-to videos that can show you everything that you need to know. His no-nonsense style makes sure that people get used to being uncomfortable to embrace growth and change. He likes to help people with things like confidence and other soft skills, believing that the rest can be learned over time as you continue to learn with video and watch your own efforts succeed. 

6. Sara Grillo

Sara Grillo is a former financial advisor who now coaches and consults with others in the world of finance to help them get more out of their marketing strategies. Sara has become somewhat of an influencer and helps others with her videos and her podcast, as well as the newsletters that she publishes. Her goal is to help others build their own success and get through video marketing with all the hurdles that most people don’t talk about. Compliance, legal issues, and other topics come up in wealth and financial management, and she offers insight on how to get through all of those while setting up your strategy, and more. 

7 Neil Patel

Although he doesn't specialize in wealth management, he’s got plenty of his own wealth to show off for his efforts in digital marketing and SEO. Patel is an established and well-versed marketer that has been recognized by several publications and was even named one of the top entrepreneurs under 30 by former President Obama. He offers tons of useful information on SEO and search engine marketing, but his style and efforts are what you need to watch. For one thing, he puts out content at an impressive rate, guaranteeing that there is almost always some kind of conversation or sharing going on amongst his audience. 

8. Brian Dean

From Backlinko, Brian Dean has a handle on the modern world of video marketing and uses it to offer a lot of insight into the industry and what his company does. In 2021, he was named one of the most popular experts in digital marketing and he’s been featured in tons of publications. He specializes in link building and generating traffic, as well as improving conversions, through various marketing strategies. He also understands the importance of video content and social followings and will help brands create their own marketing strategies to build these campaigns successfully in addition to offering advice from his own career. 

9. David Murdico

David Murdico is a great creative choice for video marketing. He's not a financial expert, but he knows video. So much so, in fact, that he started Supercool Creative Agency, where he helps other brands and businesses find their footing with video marketing and other efforts. He understands how this unique format works, the value of creating a dynamic strategy and diverse collection of videos, and more. He focuses on lead generation and retention and creates videos that are designed to get noticed. With his own videos of tips and insight, there’s a lot to learn. 

10. Gary Vaynerchuk

As a multi-business owner and the current CEO of Varner Media, Gary Vaynerchuk has spent a lifetime in business, and he has a lot to offer. He can provide you with valuable insight as to why it’s important to keep up with marketing trends, as well as which marketing trends you should be keeping up with. You'll see how he’s embraced social media, video marketing, and even podcasting, as a way to stay current and keep up with his growing and evolving audiences. Gary is good about going where the people are and he knows how to build success and get results with any business effort, which makes him a great choice here. 

Get a wealth of time when you free up your resources by partnering with Smith.ai

If you’re busy building a marketing strategy and trying to get your social visibility increased, you’re not going to want to have to field constant phone calls, emails, and live chat requests. But of course, you also don’t want to disappoint or miss out on a single customer. That's where we come in—our 24/7 virtual receptionists can act as the face of your firm to field all the calls, chats, and other requests while you’re busy building your video empire. 

That way, you can stick to business while we handle the business of those increasing leads that are coming from your efforts. Plus, we’ll be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter what you or your audience needs. You can watch your reputation grow right before your eyes and we’ll even make sure that we collaborate on the perfect strategy to manage it all for you from start to finish. 

If you are ready to learn more, schedule your consultation to discuss what our 24/7 virtual receptionists can do for your wealth management company. You can also reach us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484. 

Business Education
Marketing Advice
Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with Smith.ai. He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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