5 Simple Email Templates to Follow-Up with Unresponsive Leads


Lead follow-up is a daunting task for any business. Doing it via email can seem even more insurmountable in the day and age of never-ending spam emails and even spam texts! It’s no wonder your business needs a better way. Fortunately, you can still deliver the right message when you know what to say and how to say it. 

The biggest secret is to know that customers are only going to buy once they are ready to make a purchase. No matter how good or bad your lead generation emails might be, people already have it in their minds as to what will sway their buying decision. By knowing that, you can craft emails that get results. 

The best thing that you can use email for is to deliver follow-up for unresponsive parties. There are several ways to go about it, too. Most importantly, you have to keep following up. As many as 93% of all leads that convert take as many as six attempts to reach just once. If you’re not following up enough, you’re not going to get the leads. 

Without wasting much of your time, let’s dig right in. Here are five great templates that will help you get those unresponsive leads to start responding. 

1. The check-in follow-up 


I hope this message finds you well. Have you had a chance to look over the resources I sent you earlier in the week? I know it was a lot, so here are the highlights:

Resource #1: This is a quick read on solving your issues and improving the pain points in your business. 

Resource #2: You asked about our (product/service). This summary gives you all the details. 

I’d love to get together this week and see if we can come up with a plan to tag-team your needs. Are you free later today for a call? 


As you can see, this email is straightforward and focuses on helping people summarize the information that you’ve already sent them. This means if they delete the email or even just haven’t gotten around to reading it, they’ll have a good idea of what you sent the first time because you recapped it for them. 

2. The missed call follow-up


It seems like we keep missing each other, but I really think that we need to connect. Our [offering] can provide your business with stellar results in several ways. It occurred to me that you might not be the one to speak to—to whom should I reach out? 

I appreciate your time and assistance. 



When you’re playing phone and email tag with a prospect, it can get frustrating. However, you can easily get the awkwardness out of the way by addressing it directly. You’re both busy. Of course, you can’t just “catch each other” in passing. You need a plan. Use this email to make one. 

3. The hot-and-cold follow-up


I know we’ve talked a few times and you just haven’t found what you need, so I wanted to reach out directly and see if you could advise me as to how we can change that. It’s hard to get the best resources for your business, we know, but we also know that we’ll deliver everything that you need. Even if you’re on the fence, let us help you see why it’s time to climb down to the other side. 

Call me or send me a message to talk more. 



This is a direct message that gets the point across quickly and directly. It stops the cycle of the hold-and-cold lead and helps you solidify more resources for your business. It also gives you the chance to discern between the serious leads and the leads that are sort of ready to convert. The latter may require a bit more of your attention, but it will be a worthwhile investment. 

4. The “winback” email


Were you aware that the average commuter wastes more than $1,000 per year just sitting in traffic? 

That’s insane! And it’s why going green and choosing an electric vehicle does more than help the environment—it can help your wallet, too. Check out the guide that we offer to help you narrow down your options and find the best solutions for your business needs. Whether you’ve got an idea of what you want or you’re just starting your search, we’ve got you covered. 

Remember that you’re not actually trying to force-sell anything to anyone. You want them to come to you and choose your solutions of their own free will.  

5. The “maybe you didn’t get my email” email 

Hello there!

Hopefully this email finds you well. I just wanted to reach back out because I’ve got what I think is the perfect solution for your needs, but I’m not sure if you may have missed a message earlier so I wanted to reach out again. 

Whether you’re still considering or you missed the message entirely, feel free to let us know what we can do to assist you along the way. And if you’re just a little too busy, that’s okay too—ask us how we can help. 



This is one of the easiest ways to pry into someone’s world and remind them that you’ve reached out and they should respond in kind. Instead of putting people on the spot or asking why they didn’t answer, you can easily make it seem like a possible oversight. Explain that “perhaps you didn’t get my message” and then go on to explain how you don’t want anyone to miss out, etc. 

Or, leave the lead qualification and follow up to the dedicated agents at Smith.ai

You have a business to run and there are a lot of different things that require your attention. Having to field emails and try to reach out to all those leads can take so much time out of your day before you even realize it—but fortunately, that’s no longer an issue. Partner with our 24/7 virtual receptionists instead and make sure that your leads get all the attention that they deserve, even when you’re not the one giving that attention. 

To learn more about how we can help with outbound sales and support and other parts of your business, schedule a consultation today. You can also reach us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484. 

Business Education
Marketing Advice
Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with Smith.ai. He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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