5 Ways to Improve Your New Client Intake Form


Improving your new client intake form is crucial for creating a positive first impression and streamlining your onboarding process. A well-designed intake form can enhance client experience, ensure you gather the necessary information, and make your workflow more efficient. This blog will explore five effective ways to optimize your new client intake form. You can significantly improve your client intake process by simplifying the form, incorporating digital tools, ensuring mobile compatibility, providing clear instructions, and requesting only essential information.

1. Simplify the form

Reduce the number of fields

One of the most effective ways to improve your client intake form is to simplify it. By evaluating each field and determining its necessity, you can reduce the number of fields, making the form less overwhelming and quicker for clients to complete. This approach focuses on gathering only the most critical information at this stage, relieving clients of unnecessary burden and considering collecting additional details later in the process.

Use clear language

Ensure that the language used in your intake form is clear and concise. Avoid legal jargon or complex terminology that might confuse clients. Use straightforward language and short sentences to make the form easy to understand and complete. This will help clients provide accurate information and reduce the likelihood of errors or misunderstandings.

Implement conditional logic

Incorporating conditional logic into your intake form can further simplify the client experience. For instance, if a client indicates they are interested in a specific service, additional fields related to that service can appear. This way, clients only see relevant questions, reducing the length and complexity of the form.

2. Incorporate digital tools

Use online forms

Transitioning from paper-based forms to online forms can greatly enhance the client intake process. Online forms are more accessible, convenient, and environmentally friendly. They also allow for easier data management and integration with other digital tools. Using a reputable form builder to create a professional and user-friendly online intake form can make clients feel at ease and comfortable with the process.

Enable electronic signatures

Incorporating electronic signatures into your intake form can streamline the process further. Electronic signatures are legally binding and eliminate the need for clients to print, sign, and scan documents. This time-saving feature not only saves time for both clients and your team but also makes the onboarding process more efficient, making everyone feel more productive.

Integrate with CRM systems

Integrating your intake form with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can automate data entry and improve workflow efficiency. When a client submits their information, it can be automatically populated into your CRM, reducing manual data entry and the risk of errors. This integration ensures that all client information is centralized and easily accessible to your team.

3. Ensure mobile compatibility

Optimize for mobile devices

In today’s digital age, many clients will access your intake form using mobile devices. Ensuring that your form is mobile-friendly is essential for providing a seamless experience. A responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and functions properly on various devices is required for reaching a wider audience and enhancing the client experience.

Simplify navigation

Simplifying navigation on your intake form can enhance mobile usability. Use large, clickable buttons and minimize the need for scrolling. If necessary, break the form into multiple pages, with a clear progress indicator to show clients how far they have progressed. This approach makes it easier for clients to complete the form on their mobile devices.

Enable auto-fill features

Enabling auto-fill features on your mobile intake form can save clients time and effort. Auto-fill allows clients to quickly populate fields with information stored on their device, such as their name, address, and contact details. This feature reduces the required typing and speeds up the form completion process.

4. Provide Clear Instructions

Include helpful tips

Providing clear instructions and helpful tips throughout your intake form can improve the client experience. Use tooltips, hover text, or brief explanations next to each field to guide clients on the required information. Clear instructions help clients complete the form accurately and reduce the need for follow-up clarification.

Offer examples

Including examples can further clarify what information you are seeking. For instance, if you need a detailed description of a legal issue, provide an example of a well-written response. Examples can help clients understand the level of detail you expect and ensure they provide the necessary information.

Highlight mandatory fields

Indicate which fields are mandatory and which are optional. Use asterisks or bold text to highlight required fields and consider grouping them for better visibility. This helps clients prioritize essential information and ensures you receive the critical details needed to proceed with their case.

5. Request only essential information

Prioritize key details

When designing your intake form, focus on collecting only the essential information needed to start working with a new client. Avoid overwhelming clients with too many questions at the initial stage. You can always gather additional details later in the process. Prioritizing key details makes the form quicker and easier to complete, improving the overall client experience.

Use multiple-choice options

Use multiple-choice options or dropdown menus instead of open-ended questions. Multiple-choice questions are easier and faster for clients to answer, and they provide more consistent and structured data. This approach simplifies the form and reduces the likelihood of incomplete or inaccurate responses.

Review and update regularly

Regularly review and update your intake form to remain relevant and effective. As your practice evolves, your information needs may change. Periodically assess the form to identify  unnecessary or outdated fields and adjust as needed. Keeping your form up-to-date ensures it continues to meet your needs and your clients.

Effective new client intake form design

Improving your new client intake form is essential for creating a positive first impression and streamlining your onboarding process. By simplifying the form, incorporating digital tools, ensuring mobile compatibility, providing clear instructions, and requesting only essential information, you can significantly enhance the client experience. A well-designed intake form not only gathers the necessary information but also sets the tone for a professional and efficient client relationship.

There may be other investments to make to ensure your company's success. For instance, you can hire Smith.ai's legal answering service to ensure client calls are handled in the best way. We also offer other valuable services, such as conflict checks, lead screening and intake, and appointment setting.


To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach outto hello@smith.ai. 

Law Firm
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Written by Tom Armitage

Tom Armitage is a Senior Marketing Manager with Smith.ai.

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