Best Legal Podcasts to Help Scale Your Law Firm


Growth can be challenging, even painful. At times, it can seem impossible. That’s particularly true for solo attorneys and small firms trying to scale. Achieving the right balance of revenue and profitability, finding the right people to become part of your team, integrating software to automate processes…it’s a lot. 

There is good news, however. You don’t have to go it alone. There are tens of thousands of successful attorneys out there who’ve successfully scaled their practices and are happy to share the fruits of their hard-won experience with you. 

Of course, you probably don’t have time to read yet another book on practice growth. So, let’s take a different route. Podcasts are portable, can be easily fit into any little bit of downtime you might have, like your morning commute or your lunch break, and connect you with other legal professionals in ways that blog posts and books cannot.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the best legal podcasts out there geared to help you scale your law firm.

The list: Exploring legal podcasts designed to foster practice growth

There are thousands of legal podcasts out there. You’ll find one for just about any topic you might want to follow, from understanding the furor around the Supreme Court’s decisions to marketing-related matters. We’ve sorted through those options to bring you the best of the best with a sole focus on law firm scaling and success.

1. Grow Your Law Firm

Grow Your Law Firm with Ken Hardison is all about scaling your firm. It promises to “help you scale your firm by 250%” while stressing less and delivering better client outcomes at the same time. It’s an interesting blend of marketing and law firm management best practices. The episodes tend to be short (25-40 minutes on average), so it’s not a huge time commitment, either. 

2. Personal Injury Mastermind

Personal Injury Mastermind (PIM) with Chris Dreyer is another great podcast, but one geared specifically for personal injury firms looking to scale through improved marketing. Chris Dreyer is a legal marketing expert with years of experience, and he walks you through what he’s learned during his years in the industry with each episode. There are also plenty of guest interviews. 

3. Maximum Lawyer

You learned a great deal in law school. The trouble is that knowledge is all about practicing law and not about business management. That’s where a podcast like Maximum Lawyer comes in. Hosts Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux walk you through important business management and growth topics, like lead generation and practice management so that you can scale your practice. 

4. LAWsome

Sometimes scaling a practice is about learning better management skills. In others, it’s about finding your competitive edge. That’s what the LAWsome podcast is all about – helping you become a better attorney so that you can stand out from a potentially crowded field of contenders. Note that some of these episodes can get a bit lengthy, but they all offer something of value for the attorney looking to hone their edge and scale faster. Most of them are short and to the point, however.

 5. The Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Podcast

No matter what sector of the legal industry you focus on, marketing is critical to scaling up. The challenge, of course, is that you’re an attorney, not a marketer. The Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Podcast looks to change that, or at least acquaint you with the knowledge you need to begin making headway with your marketing efforts. You’ll get a new episode every other week, all of which are hosted by Gyi Tsakalakis and Conrad Saam. 

6. SpeakEasy Authority Marketing

Legal marketing involves a lot of different elements, but one aspect that’s often overlooked is the ability to deliver a client-focused experience. Too many attorneys forget that it’s not about them or their firm, but about their clients. In SpeakEasy Authority Marketing, host Rich Jacobs gives attorneys a crash course in creating that sort of experience and then maintaining it over time. Note that this podcast is best suited for solo attorneys looking to grow, as well as small firms ready to scale. 

7. The Law Firm Growth Podcast

The title of this one says it all. The Law Firm Growth Podcast is focused on, you guessed it, growth and scaling for law firms. Jan Roos, an expert marketer, gives you bite-sized guidance on marketing, operations, management, and more, all of which are designed to help you scale up with less hassle (most episodes are 15 minutes or less so you can easily fit it into even a shorter commute).

The right allies can accelerate law firm scaling

We’ve covered some of the most important podcasts to help scale your law firm. However, don’t forget that learning is only part of the equation. You’ll need to apply what you’ve learned. Most of the hosts you’ll encounter will stress the importance of delegating responsibilities so that you can focus on growth-related tasks, and that’s where the virtual receptionists at can help.

We can provide a complete 24/7 legal answering service to ensure that you never need to worry about who’s answering the phones or handling lead vetting and intake. We can help you free your valuable time by offering payment collection services, appointment booking, email and SMS follow-up, warm phone transfers, and more. 

To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to

Law Firm
Written by Mike Graner

Mike Graner is the Marketing Manager at He focuses on engaging content, company updates, and in-person events.

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