Micky Deming

Founder of Full Stadium Marketing, Micky Deming, knows the in's and out's of marketing for growth, specifically through content strategy, production, and promotion.

Articles by Micky Deming

Sell More with Live Chat and Chatbots

June 12, 2023
Sell More with Live Chat and Chatbots
Sales chat and chatbots are growing in popularity with both businesses and consumers. This guide gives specific tactics on successfully selling with chat.
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5 Ways Your Business Can Improve Despite COVID-19

May 5, 2020
5 Ways Your Business Can Improve Despite COVID-19
The current crisis we are all experiencing is impacting all types of businesses. How can you survive the economic impact? How can you turn the situation into something positive and even grow during the crisis?
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Best Practices for Hiring Outsourced Help

May 2, 2020
Best Practices for Hiring Outsourced Help
You’ve probably heard about the “gig economy.” What that term illustrates is the rise of the freelance workforce. Unfortunately a term like that can prompt more questions than answers.
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Managing Your Business During COVID-19 - 3 Leaders Weigh In

May 1, 2020
Managing Your Business During COVID-19 - 3 Leaders Weigh In
COVID-19 has caused us all to think about our businesses. How do we navigate successfully through the next several months? Many have written content highlighting how they’re working through these issues.
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Effective Leadership in a Remote Law Firm

April 29, 2020
Effective Leadership in a Remote Law Firm
In order to lead your remote law firm, you need the right combination of tools and communication strategies. Read on to learn about both.
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Small and Medium‑Sized Business (SMB) Crisis Management

April 15, 2020
Small and Medium‑Sized Business (SMB) Crisis Management
Everyone who runs an SMB is familiar with the feeling of uncertainty. It is the nature of the beast. And that's due to the reality that SMBs are susceptible to a variety of factors, both internal and external.
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How to Get Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) with Web Chat

April 15, 2020
How to Get Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) with Web Chat
Everyone who runs an SMB is familiar with the feeling of uncertainty. It is the nature of the beast. And that's due to the reality that SMBs are susceptible to a variety of factors, both internal and external.
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Top 10 Business Gifts for Clients: Unique Presents That Won't Break the Bank (No Mugs or Pens!)

March 16, 2020
Top 10 Business Gifts for Clients: Unique Presents That Won't Break the Bank (No Mugs or Pens!)
Giving a gift to a client can be a cliche or a strong customer service decision. Plus it's a great way to connect as a human with your clients. How you execute it determines the effectiveness of the gift.
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How to Calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) For Your Business

February 27, 2020
How to Calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) For Your Business
Simply put, how much does it cost to get a new customer? When calculating the CAC, you should include the following as costs: Advertising costs, Sales/referral commissions, outside agency fees related to marketing, and sponsorships. When you know what you are spending to get clients, you can then measure what your spend is producing to understand your costs.
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Top 3 Metrics to Measure Customer Service Quality

February 27, 2020
Top 3 Metrics to Measure Customer Service Quality
Simply put, how much does it cost to get a new customer? When calculating the CAC, you should include the following as costs: Advertising costs, Sales/referral commissions, outside agency fees related to marketing, and sponsorships. When you know what you are spending to get clients, you can then measure what your spend is producing to understand your costs.
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