Tom Armitage

Tom Armitage is a Senior Marketing Manager with

Articles by Tom Armitage

How to Build a Lead Engagement Strategy

May 25, 2024
How to Build a Lead Engagement Strategy
No matter your industry, converting leads into paying customers is vital. It’s also a costly, chaotic process and can leave you scratching your head when leads fail to convert. The right lead engagement strategy can help ensure you connect with leads and turn more of them into paying clients while saving money, time, and sanity. This post will discuss how to build a lead engagement strategy.
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How Does a Law Firm Call Center Work?

May 25, 2024
How Does a Law Firm Call Center Work?
It would be nice if answering calls to your law firm counted as billable hours, but that’s not the reality. However, it’s a critical part of your intake process. Outsourcing to a law firm call center can offer valuable benefits, but how do these centers work, and what should you know about choosing the right partner? We’ll discuss everything you need to know in this post.
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6 Surprisingly Effective Cold Calling Scripts

May 25, 2024
6 Surprisingly Effective Cold Calling Scripts
Making first contact with leads who’ve never expressed an interest in your product or service can be more than a little challenging. But there’s hope! We’ve developed six surprisingly effective cold-calling scripts to improve your results.
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8 Legal Project Management Best Practices

May 25, 2024
8 Legal Project Management Best Practices
Legal projects come in a wide range of types, but they must all be managed effectively, or you risk underdelivering to the client or, worse, having the project fail outright. Legal project management best practices can help break large projects into smaller tasks, clarify deliverables, engage stakeholders, and more. In this post, we’ve outlined eight critical legal project management best practices for you.
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Understanding KPIs for Law Firms: 6 Metrics to Measure

May 25, 2024
Understanding KPIs for Law Firms: 6 Metrics to Measure
Your goal is to grow your legal practice. You do that by representing your clients and marketing your services to the best of your ability. How effective are your efforts? Is your practice growing, or is it just getting by? Treading water can look like success if you’re not measuring the right KPIs for law firms. Here are six metrics to measure that actually indicate where your firm stands and suggest where you can improve.
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The 7 Best Legal CRM Software Solutions

May 14, 2024
The 7 Best Legal CRM Software Solutions
Practicing law requires building and maintaining relationships with clients, prospects, and leads over time. A CRM (customer relationship management) software solution makes that much simpler. Of course, there are tons of options available. Which one is right for your practice? We’ve ranked the seven best legal CRM software solutions to help you make an informed decision.
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How to Improve Your Firm’s Intake Process

May 14, 2024
How to Improve Your Firm’s Intake Process
Your firm’s intake process is a crucial step in building the client/attorney relationship. It helps create the client’s first impression of your firm and sets the tone for everything that follows. If your firm’s process isn’t up to par, it could be doing more harm than good. Thankfully, improving it is as simple as understanding a few key steps.
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6 Tips for Effective Law Office Management

May 14, 2024
6 Tips for Effective Law Office Management
Law office management is the key to organization and growth. Of course, plenty of attorneys struggle with things like communication, document organization, lead intake process, and more. We’ve outlined six tips for effective law office management to help you change the game.
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6 Best Legal Calendar Software Options

May 14, 2024
6 Best Legal Calendar Software Options
The key to better productivity in any business setting, including law offices, is good time management. And while there have been hundreds of books written on the subject, the best way to improve your time management skills is with the right tool. In this case, that means using legal calendar software. We’ve rated the six best legal calendar software options out there to help you find the one that suits your needs best.
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5 Law Firm Automation Ideas to Boost Efficiency

May 14, 2024
5 Law Firm Automation Ideas to Boost Efficiency
Automation is more than just a buzzword. It’s a powerful solution for law firms dealing with a lack of efficiency and productivity. Automation takes mundane, time-consuming tasks off your team’s hands and allows them to focus on the most important tasks while ensuring administrative tasks are completed on time and accurately. Not sure what to automate? We have some ideas.
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