Tom Armitage

Tom Armitage is a Senior Marketing Manager with

Articles by Tom Armitage

5 AI Prompts to Help with Small Business Content Marketing

May 7, 2024
5 AI Prompts to Help with Small Business Content Marketing
AI is a powerful tool that can help inform and evolve your marketing efforts. That’s particularly true when it comes to your content marketing. But to truly get the most out of this tool, you’ll need to provide prompts. Of course, you may have little idea of what goes into creating a successful AI prompt. We’ve got you covered. Here are five AI prompts to help with small business content marketing.
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5 Salesforce Dashboards That Can Help Improve Sales Efficiency

May 7, 2024
5 Salesforce Dashboards That Can Help Improve Sales Efficiency
Is your team’s sales efficiency faltering? Discerning the reason can be challenging. Thankfully, the right Salesforce dashboards can shed light on the underlying factors and improve efficiency across your sales efforts.
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How Business Owners See Better ROI with Data-Driven Marketing

May 7, 2024
How Business Owners See Better ROI with Data-Driven Marketing
Marketing is essential for all businesses, but using the wrong methods may mean not seeing the return on investment you need. Data-driven marketing is always a better option than operating on guesswork. Explore how business owners see better ROI with data-driven marketing.
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How Call Intelligence Can Optimize the Caller Experience

May 7, 2024
How Call Intelligence Can Optimize the Caller Experience
Do your team members struggle to uncover customer pain points or fail to understand customer behavior? It’s unfortunately common today. Call intelligence can shed light on important areas, helping improve the caller experience and your conversion process at the same time.
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How to Improve Speed to Lead with Outsourced Virtual Receptionists

May 7, 2024
How to Improve Speed to Lead with Outsourced Virtual Receptionists
Moving prospects through the sales funnel is challenging at best. And a single misstep could mean missing your opportunity to convert a prospect into a customer. If you’re struggling with long response times to qualified prospects, your speed to lead can suffer. Outsourced virtual receptionists can help improve your speed to lead and boost your conversion rates.
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The Importance of Live Virtual Receptionists in the Digital Age

April 30, 2024
The Importance of Live Virtual Receptionists in the Digital Age
While the overall trend was once toward leaner operations, with business offices supported by automated phone systems, customers are pushing back. Today, they demand a positive experience where they can engage with real people rather than automated menu trees and voicemail boxes. Live virtual receptionists can help you maintain the required leanness and agility you need to operate profitably, while also delivering the experience your customers expect and deserve.
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How Virtual Receptionists Eliminate Calendar Management Issues

April 30, 2024
How Virtual Receptionists Eliminate Calendar Management Issues
Taming calendar chaos is easier said than done. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or have a team of employees, chances are good that calendar management is a sore point for your business. Virtual receptionists can eliminate those issues and transform your productivity and efficiency with best practices and proven tactics.
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How an Answering Service for Business Leads to Reduced Overhead

April 30, 2024
How an Answering Service for Business Leads to Reduced Overhead
For businesses struggling to balance the effects of inflation and increased competition, reducing overhead is a necessity. Outsourcing your needs with an answering service is one way to cut those costs and achieve greater success.
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5 Ways to Tweak Your Legal Marketing Strategy to Get More Leads

April 30, 2024
5 Ways to Tweak Your Legal Marketing Strategy to Get More Leads
Is your legal marketing strategy failing to move the needle? You’re not alone. Digital marketing today is tough across all industries, but these five tweaks can help you change that paradigm.
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3 Ways to Automate Your Sales Process and Work More Deals

April 30, 2024
3 Ways to Automate Your Sales Process and Work More Deals
Want to close more deals? The key is to create a streamlined, efficient sales process. Automation offers the chance to streamline your processes and free your people to focus on what they do best while engaging leads and moving them through the funnel.
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