5 Examples of Excellent Google My Business Profiles for Bakeries


When you’re running a bakery, delicious treats aren’t the only thing you’ll be cooking up—you’ll also need to come up with a solid branding and marketing strategy to make sure that people can find your bakery. Today, there are a lot of great resources that can help you do that, including one process known as local SEO (search engine optimization). Essentially, you’re optimizing your website and online presence to make it easier for people to find you. 

And one of the best tools that you can use to boost your visibility and your local SEO rankings (when you use it well) is your Google Business Profile. Formerly Google My Business, this is the profile page that pops up when someone searches for a business on Google or Google Maps. It lists things like:

  • Business location
  • Hours of operation
  • Contact information
  • Reviews
  • Recent updates
  • Social media links
  • And so much more! 

In order to get the best rankings, you need to maximize this profile that’s been so graciously given to you by Google. And while there are plenty of guides on how to do that, not many people offer examples of those who are doing it well. 

And what better way to learn than by seeing what others are doing? To that end, we’ve collected five Google Business Profile listings for bakeries that are doing it right. We’ll look at the highlights and best features of each one, and help you see how you can make yours just as good. 

Let’s dive in. 

Profile #1 – Tartine Bakery

This profile is first on the list because, in addition to being complete and offering tons of useful information, it also has more than 8,700 photos, including one featuring the bakery case as the main image. What better selling point for a bakery? 

You’ll also see that they have everything filled out, provide a detailed Q&A section, and appear to frequently update their information and interact with customers. When you click on the “menu” tab, there are photos along with a full menu typed out on the screen, ensuring that people have no trouble finding it if they want to know what’s good. 

Profile #2 – Alessi Bakery 

This European bakery is another one that does great with the photos, including the display case feature photo and about 875 more that showcase all manner of foods, desserts, and specialties. 

Again, their information is complete and looks regularly monitored and updated, and they offer a menu and online ordering option right from the Google listing. There are links to their social profiles at the bottom of the listing, too, making it easy for people to connect and engage with them in multiple ways. 

Profile #3 – Sweet Mandy B’s Bakery 

Located in Chicago, Sweet Mandy B’s also hits the sweet spot with their Google Business Profile, providing all the information that you need to decide what kind of treats you want to order or go get for yourself. They have over 500 photos of their various baked goods and their storefront, and there are photos of the menu for those who want them. 

Even better than a menu, of course, is the option to order for pickup or delivery, with buttons available right in the Google listing. People like convenience—give them this option and watch them use it well!

Profile #4 – Presti’s Bakery

This family-owned bakery appears anything but small if you take a good look at its Google profile. You’ll see more than 1,300 photos, including a great one of their bakery case and front counter, plus plenty of close-ups of individual treats. They have an explanation of their offerings and services, and full information about business hours and contact information. 

Again, they do great at answering questions for people and offering a menu in print and picture form. This bakery is located outside of Cleveland, Ohio, but it’s been around for years and is a local staple. Unlike some “mom and pop” businesses that get stuck in the past, Presti’s has really engaged with digital marketing and done it well. 

Profile #5 – Levain Bakery, NYC

Considering that when you search for “bakery New York,” the first three listings are for Levain’s locations throughout the Big Apple, it’s no wonder they make the list. They are nearing 5,000 photos of their treats, shops, and outdoor spaces. Plus, they even use their “overview” to mention that they donate all their unsold baked goods to charity—talk about a reason to become a customer!

They have all the standard contact information and it’s regularly updated, and they even offer an “order online” link for people who want to do so. They have multiple options for viewing the menu and include pricing so it’s easy to know what you’re spending. Their other two profiles are just as good, as you’d expect, and offer something to inspire your own. 

It’s all about maximizing the opportunity you’re given

Google gives everyone this profile. It doesn’t cost anything extra. It’s not really that difficult to complete. And yet, so many small businesses (and even large ones) don’t maximize their GBP because they don’t realize just how important it is. If your profile hits the mark, however, it’s going to have a huge impact on your local SEO (in addition to the obvious reputation points you get from people for having so much information readily available). 

All of these profiles have their own highlights and elements that make them great, but it all boils down to one common thread: completion. The absolute best way to get the most from your Google Business Profile is to utilize every single part of it to help improve your bakery’s visibility and local SEO rankings. 

Are you ready for the new leads that your profile will bring?

If you take notes from these profiles and update your own Google Business Profile listing, you’re going to see an influx of leads. If you want a little help fielding them, ask how the virtual receptionists at Smith.ai can act as your 24/7 answering service, along with providing support for lead intake and appointment scheduling. To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to hello@smith.ai

Sales Development

Elizabeth Lockwood is the content marketing associate at Smith.ai. She focuses specifically on writing and editing engaging articles, blog posts, and other forms of publication.

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