Everyday Objects That Run on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software


It is officially the age of artificial intelligence (AI) in business. For many small businesses to be successful, it is increasingly essential to understand artificial intelligence and how it can benefit your brand growth.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our day-to-day lives, from phones to self-driving cars and smartwatches. Over the next few years, we will use AI technology more and more frequently. E-commerce businesses can benefit from AI, including connecting with a customer base, lead generation, and improving customer communication methods.

Let’s identify everyday objects that run on artificial intelligence (AI) software and how they can help to grow your business.

Whatis artificial intelligence software?

Artificial intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, is when automated computerized technology performs a task that a person would typically do.

While many people may think of robotics when they think of artificial intelligence, AI technology is typically used through sophisticated software. Businesses use AI software in many different ways, but overall it is used to streamline processes and improve outcomes for the users. 

In many cases, AI can perform tasks more efficiently and quickly than if a person did them. Due to this fact, a surprising number of everyday objects run on this form of specialized software. As business owners, our job is to make sure the right AI is in place to serve our customers better.

Why does artificial intelligence software matter for a growing business?

Artificial intelligence software does not simply replace workers. Instead, it refines the work that needs to be done. In general, you will still need employees even if your business employs some sort of AI technology. AI will automate the work instead of having a person work through a menial task. This increases efficiency and allows a worker to focus on higher-value tasks.

If you own a small business, you know that every choice you make for your business counts. It is crucial to be as efficient as possible with your decisions and resources. Artificial intelligence software can help you do just that.

How can artificial intelligence help a business grow?

There are many benefits and uses of artificial intelligence software in business. Customer service, data analysis, increased cybersecurity, and improved efficiency are just a few areas where you can see potential benefits. However, as a growing business, you are probably more interested in how artificial intelligence software can help you expand your reach and increase your revenue.

Some practical uses for artificial intelligence software in growing a small business include:

●     Using chatbots to answer questions or provide information to potential customers and clients

●     Improving your marketing strategy to target your ideal consumer

●     Automating surveys sent to customers after a purchase

●     Forecasting sales

●     Recommending products to customers based on their past purchases

●     Pricing your product or services appropriately

●     Increasing cybersecurity

●     Increasing overall efficiency

●     Identifying fake reviews

●     Protecting customers from fraud

●     Personalizing the buying experience for the customer

These are just some ways that artificial intelligence software can help improve your current processes and promote business growth. 

Everyday objects that run on AI

As mentioned above, artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our lives. Many everyday objects run on artificial intelligence (AI) software. Below, we will go through some commonly used objects, how they use artificial intelligence software, and ways that you can potentially use artificial intelligence to benefit your small business. 

While you, personally, might not see all of these objects in use every day, artificial intelligence is expanding, and you will see it used more and more.

Everyday objects that run on AI

Self-driving cars

It feels like people have been talking about self-driving cars for a long time now. While they are finally here, they are still not perfect. Many companies are involved in the self-driving car industry. Some of the most well-known include Tesla, Motional, Luminar, Cruise, and Waymo. 

As you might expect, these cars rely on artificial intelligence software. These vehicles are covered with high-tech sensors that constantly check the surroundings and adjust accordingly. There are sensors on these cars for many reasons, including:

●     Monitoring appropriate vehicle speed

●     Determining nearby vehicles and their proximity

●     Analyzing road conditions

●     Locating pedestrians

●     Responding appropriately to traffic signs and signals

Artificial intelligence software allows these vehicles to analyze dangerous situations and respond accordingly. While these vehicles are not yet all over the road, they will be soon. This is a great illustration of the incredible potential of artificial intelligence software.


It is hard to find aperson who does not use Amazon regularly. This is in part thanks to their service and convenience. However, many of the benefits of their service come from using artificial intelligence software. They continually implement algorithms to improve customer service and work to retain customers. Amazon has grown immensely to become a global behemoth of a company. This is due to three primary artificial intelligence (AI) software uses.

1.    Amazon uses machine learning to protect its customers from identity theft and fraud. As owners of an e-commerce business are sure to know, fraud is a major concern for online shoppers. Amazon has developed a reputation for protecting its customers’ information through AI.

2.    Amazon recommends products for its customers. If you have shopped on Amazon, you know that products are recommended to you as you shop. Sometimes the products are related to what you are looking at, and sometimes they are connected to something you have purchased in the past. While not perfect, this AI software does encourage customers to spend more time browsing, and therefore, they are more likely to make a purchase (or an additional purchase). Amazon’s use of artificial intelligence to recommend products to customers has been a huge boon for the company’s massive growth.

3.    The search function on Amazon uses AI software as well. As a customer types in the search bar, they are offered options. For example, if you type an “f,” the software may predict you are searching for a fire pit. Again, this is through the use of an algorithm. Amazon uses this feature, like the recommended products, to encourage customers to spend more time browsing.

These are a few of the major pillars of Amazon’s artificial intelligence usage.However, as the largest e-commerce company globally, Amazon uses artificial intelligence in many other ways.

Streaming services (Netflix, Hulu)

There are dozens of video streaming services available to consumers, including YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Disney+, and many more. They all vary in one way or another; some are free, and others are priced by a subscription fee. Some have ads, and others do not. However, they do have one thing in common. You guessed it: they are another of the everyday objects that run on artificial intelligence (AI) software. 

Streaming services like Netflix use an algorithm to analyze what you have watched previously to recommend a new title. This can benefit the streaming companies in a couple of ways:

●     Matching viewers with titles they’d like. Artificial intelligence software makes it easy for users to navigate through the many available titles and find one that might be a good fit. For example, if a person is streaming multiple documentaries about art, the streaming service can recommend other art documentaries. This keeps the customer engaged and watching.

●     Making targeted recommendations. The algorithm can be designed in such a way as to target specific shows or movies. For example, if Hulu invested a large amount of m oney into producing a show or movie, they want many people to stream it. Therefore, it benefits them to recommend that particular show to their users.

As streaming services become more and more popular, it is safe to predict that using artificial intelligence software capabilities on these services will also increase.

Smart personal assistants (Alexa, Siri, Hey Google, Cortana)

“Hey Siri, what is the capital of Honduras?” If you said that aloud twenty years ago, you would probably have gotten some crazy looks. But today, no one would bat an eye; it just shows the incredible growth of artificial intelligence software.

Now, there are many different “smart personal assistants.” Some are built into smartphones, like Siri and Google Assistant, and more advanced artificial intelligence assistants are stand-alone devices. Alexa, Hey Google, and Cortana are three of the most popular. 

These amazing AI assistants have incredible capabilities. They can respond to voice commands (even while you are carrying on a conversation), look up the weather, set reminders and alarms, and so much more. Furthermore, these devices can automatically connect to other devices within your home, such as speakers or screens, or even lights and thermostats. How do they do this? You guessed it: through artificial intelligence software.

As mentioned, people just 20 years ago would have had no idea how quickly this technology would infiltrate our lives. Many people have smart personal assistants in their homes and offices, and we would be lost without them. 

Voice-to-text technology

At this point, just about every smartphone comes with voice-to-text technology. It has been around for a few years, but the accuracy has improved tremendously since its inception. Users commonly verbalize their searches or text messages instead of typing them in. This promotes convenience for users searching for answers, solutions, and products.

While it is easy to think of this technology as a simple convenience (as it is for many of us), it has also improved accessibility to those with motor impairments and other difficulties.  

Voice-to-text technology is one form of artificial intelligence software that will stick around and continue improving.

Navigation apps (GoogleMaps, Waze)

There are several apps for navigation; two of the most popular are GoogleMaps and Waze. Artificial intelligence software continues to drive these two apps forward. These apps use AI in the following ways:

●     Use location data from users. GoogleMaps and Waze can analyze and predict traffic movements. This allows for route adjustments and a relatively accurate time of arrival.

●     Allow users to choose from multiple routes. One route may be fewer miles, while another may take more time. The software analyzes the routes for you and selects one but provides you with additional viable options (if one exists).

●     GoogleMaps and Waze decipher user reports. This includes determining whether a cluster user reports around the same area and time for roughly the same thing should be shown on the map for everyone.

Many people use mapping apps to get from place to place every day. A navigation app can save valuable time on your commute and help customers more readily navigate to your business.

Rideshare apps (Uber, Lyft)

There are several rideshare apps, but the most popular are Uber and Lyft. Uber and Lyft rely heavily on artificial intelligence to improve their services. They use the technology to determine: 

●     How much should a user be charged?

●     Who is the closest available driver?

●     How long will the user have to wait for a ride?

●     How long will the driver take to bring the passenger to their destination?

●     Who is the most effective driver for the job?

Artificial intelligence has helped these companies continue to improve the customer experience. One necessary adjustment that both companies have made is the introduction of surge pricing. When there is a particular demand for rideshare drivers, the company then has an opportunity to charge a higher price. While this may not be ideal for a customer looking for a ride on a Friday night in a big city, it is intended to incentivize more drivers to take advantage of high fares, get on the road, and offer more ride availability to passengers.

Uber uses AI technology in the food delivery industry with UberEats. Like DoorDash, UberEats uses various artificial intelligence software to connect to customers, recommend restaurants, price appropriately, estimate arrival times, etc.


Believe it or not, there is a lot of AI software used in email platforms. This can be very basic; for example, when you start typing an email address, email addresses you have used in the past will appear as recommendations. 

However, AI can be slightly more complex as well. There is artificial intelligence used in the spam filter, for example. While it is far from perfect, spam filters work far better than they used to. Spam filters do not only work based on keywords, as they did in the past. Instead, AI observes how you respond to emails and personalizes your spam filter. 


Another use of artificial intelligence technology in an email platform is smart email categorization. Gmail has introduced this technology as a way to help users. Many of us receive hundreds of emails a day or more. Smart email categorization will respond to the ways that you categorize these emails. 

For example, if you get emails from your boss and repeatedly mark them for your “work” folder, the AI software can learn from this and adjust. Eventually, the emails will be categorized “automatically” with your help on the front end. This technology also allows some emails to be automatically marked as “priority.”


Email AI technology also includes the ability to auto-reply. A common use of this is when a person is unavailable or out of town for an extended period. Instead of no response, emailers will get an automated, detailed reply explaining where you are, when you might be able to respond, and other options for company contacts. 

Automated replies can truly be a game-changer for business owners overwhelmed with too many emails. As technology continues to be refined, automated replies are likely to be used more often.

Online banking

Online banking has saved all of us a lot of time and headaches. Remember the short operational hours and the long lines waiting to be seen by a teller? Thanks to the incredible introduction and continuous improvement of online banking and financial apps, many people have not gone to the bank in years.

Artificial intelligence technology allows users to do quite a few things that they may not be able to do unless they visit or call their bank: 

●     Banks can update users on credit scores regularly.

●     Users can easily and quickly report any fraud. Likewise, artificial intelligence technology helps identify fraudulent purchases quickly, protecting both the bank and their customers.

However, one of the biggest uses of online banking is still relatively fresh. People can deposit their checks using their smartphones. Optical character recognition (OCR) technology is used by ATMs to verify deposited checks. This is done by scanning and extracting handwritten amount information and confirming the presence of a valid signature.

Artificial intelligence software has streamlined the banking process for their customers, and I am sure that the bank tellers are not too upset about it, either! Online banking can only continue to improve as artificial intelligence software does the same.

Smart devices (other than phones)

These include any devices that use AI software or machine learning technologies—and many can now be found in the home.

Smart watches

Smart watches, such as the Apple Watch and Fitbit, are everyday objects that run on artificial intelligence (AI) software. These devices can track a user’s number of steps, blood pressure, favorite music, and pulse. This allows the user to see patterns, particularly with their health, and work to create healthier habits.


Watches are not the only smart device out there, however. Smart thermostats, such as Nest, are increasingly common. These can be set to improve energy efficiency. They also use AI software to collect and analyze data on a building’s temperatures at certain times of day (among many other factors). Of course, this also benefits people who want to adjust their thermostat when they are away from home.


Security systems, such as the Ring, are everyday objects as well. The Ring camera identifies when someone is at your door. Of course, this took machine learning and artificial intelligence. A Ring doorbell would not be very useful if you got a notification every time a leaf blew past your door. Instead, the camera is calibrated only to respond when necessary. Ring users rarely get an accidental notification through user input and AI software.

Other home devices

Smart lights are being used more and more frequently. Like the thermostats, they allow users to adjust lights when not at home. Smart devices of all kinds are likely to be increasingly common. Another popular new technology is a smart fridge. The smart fridge can update a grocery list, allow you to look up recipes, and more. There are even ceiling fans that you can control via your home's smart personal assistant. This is all through AI software, and you can expect to see more and more smart devices and appliances in the years to come.

Online medical car

Smart watches and other devices show us how it is possible to track important data on our health. For people with specific health needs, there are apps you can use to analyze this data as well. One example, the Pager app, makes terrific use of artificial intelligence software in many ways. 

Users can talk to a nurse via text throughout the day, which is a tremendous feature. However, Pager integrates machine learning to triage patient needs during chat sessions —while maintaining a connection with a human nurse. Furthermore, users can schedule a video chat and meet with their doctor. If necessary, they can even fill prescriptions via the app.

Having all medical information in one place can be very helpful for patients and medical teams. While this may not be in everyday use for some, we can hope that one day it will be. It is a truly great use of artificial intelligence software for the greater good.

Travel apps

From Travelocity to Hotels.com, countless apps are used to book flights, hotels, and other travel accommodations. Overall, artificial intelligence can make the whole process easier for users. At this point, most bookings take place via a smartphone, and almost all bookings are made online. This provides an opportunity for AI software to refine processes and improve efficiency. 

Algorithms and artificial intelligence software are used in several ways by these companies, including:

●     Travel apps can help you compare prices on flights, including with or without connecting flights. This allows users to save money and time.

●     Reviews from users allow artificial intelligence software to automatically find what may be the best hotel, restaurant, park, etc., in a given area.

●     Virtual travel assistants help users get answers to their questions and plan out their vacation.

Some companies are even more specific in their AI use. Companies like Hopper and Hipmunk are changing the game. 

●     Hipmunk helps customers book their travel arrangements through a chatbot. The bot provides avariety of information, including calendar information, suggestions, tips, and more. 

●     Hopper uses AI software in a unique way as well. Hopper anticipates when users can get the best possible price for a flight (or other bookings). This is based on a huge amount of data over a long period. Hooper shows customers their window into getting the best bargain that they can. 

The travel industry has changed quite a bit over the last 20 to 30 years, and AI will surely create even more change.


If you purchased something online in the last couple of years or tried to get customer service online, you have likely interacted with a chatbot. You may even prefer to speak with a chatbot rather than call the company. A chatbot is an AI software program that imitates a human conversation and attempts to help customers before being sent to a customer service representative. Because it is an instantaneous interaction, the benefits are numerous. 

However, chatbots are not always perfect. Sometimes they misinterpret and can frustrate a customer. Overall, chatbots are ideal for filling a variety of specific roles and helping businesses in targeted ways. Some of these include:

●     Using a chatbot to help with customer service and technology issues

●     Using a chatbot to welcome visitors to your site

●     Automatization of order updates and tracking

●     Connecting customers with an employee if necessary (or requested)

These benefits are achieved for a relatively low cost, considering the benefits. Think of the number of workers you might need to hire to replace a chatbot! Chatbots were first invented in 1994, but the technology has come a long way since then. Thanks to artificial intelligence software, you can imagine that chatbots will just keep getting more useful. 

Chatbots are already used on several different websites, not just e-commerce, as their utility is clear. Chatbots can be used in just about any context, from the restaurant industry to self-care. Starbucks, Dominos, Amtrak, and Lyft are only some of the many corporations that benefit from chatbot artificial intelligence software.

Social media

Social media is another example of AI software that we use every day. 


One such example is one of the largest social media websites, Facebook. Facebook uses its algorithms in a number of ways, including recommending friends and pages for you to follow. Because the algorithm is so capable of serving users with content they like, this can sometimes make it hard to log off or step away.

This is not Facebook’s only use of AI. However, Facebook also has facial recognition technology. When you upload a picture to Facebook or Instagram, it may recommend that you tag your friends. This artificial intelligence software identifies users by their faces. 

Furthermore, as you likely know, Facebook uses AI software in order to target ads to their appropriate audience. If you follow pages about gardening on Facebook, you are likely to be recommended other gardening pages. Still, also, you will be targeted for ads for plants, fertilizers, lawn equipment, and more. This helps Facebook, and it makes its advertising more valuable.


Pinterest is another popular social media site where users are able to “pin” different ideas to Pinterest “boards.” This company uses AI to identify objects by their images and group similar objects. They also use it for ad targeting, search suggestions, and eliminating spam on their website.


Snapchat is well known for the filters users can apply to videos and photos. This is through the use of AI as well. The AI software identifies movements within the video and adjusts the filter accordingly. Like Pinterest and Facebook, Snapchat also uses AI for user suggestions and ad targeting.


Instagram is another popular social media website (owned by Facebook). Instagram has developed AI technology to identify and contextualize emoji responses. As you have probably noticed, emojis are used more and more commonly to communicate online. Instagram’s machine learning aims to understand what these emojis mean and are truly being used for.

Recently, Instagram Reels (or short videos) are popular and are catered to the specific viewer. Users can also explore a curated page filled with similar content based on previous views and interactions.

As social media grows and advances, the above uses of AI will become increasingly common. Social media companies like Facebook and Snapchat are just a couple ofthe largest giants in this industry. AI is used effectively in other social media, including Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, WhatsApp, TikTok, and more. 

Get help from Smith.ai and put AI to work for your business

It’s not a robot takeover, but there is AI technology everywhere we look. On a daily basis, we see more and more everyday objects that run on artificial intelligence software. From social media, where people are identified based on a picture, to navigation apps, where users can figure out the most efficient route inseconds, AI continues to become more important in our lives. As important as AI software is in our daily lives, it is also equally important in business.

If you are a small business owner and want help automating your business and improving your processes through AI technology, consider Smith.ai. Our live chat services and AI-lead voice answering solution help you stay in touch with your customers’ needs on-demand — using our proprietary AI technology to serve customers more efficiently.

To grow your business, artificial intelligence software may be the edge that you need to better compete in your industry. Book a free consultation to learn how our AI-powered technology can get your business to the next level.

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AI Receptionist

Elizabeth Lockwood is the content marketing associate at Smith.ai. She focuses specifically on writing and editing engaging articles, blog posts, and other forms of publication.

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